Checklist For Your Hotel Website

The website should look attractive as the colourful things will always take first place in the mind. To get direct bookings from the hotel, it’s important to present your website in the best possible way. Create an optimized and user-friendly website. Keep the website simple and use relevant images.
Book Now Button
The Internet has changed how customers book on your property. From agent & phone booking to online reservation. Online reservations are a must, on mobile have a simple book now button on desktop when possible embed a date selection wizard into every page that connects to your online reservation system.
Chatbots make it easier for the customers who are planning their vacation at work. So they can’t pick up the phone and simply call you. Be smart, don’t just pop up with Hi, can I help you, why not a live chat that offers a benefit for booking direct!
Mobile Click to Call
Mobile bookings are increasing at the higher rate than desktop bookings. The phone also gives the autonomy to your customers to call directly. When you view the site on mobile, the phone number or a phone icon that you can click on to call should be on every page and stick to the top of the screen regardless of how far down the page you scroll.
Gallery Dedicated Page
You have photos and video all over your website, but having a dedicated page for photos fulfil the traveller’s appetite for the photos they like. Each photo should have the description that describes the photo and features the unique selling points of the resort. Consider having multiple photo album pages that focus on different interests, rooms, activities, weddings, meetings, amenities etc.
The Google Directions
Having Google Map direction is obvious on the website which can help your customers to arrive at your property. Most hotel sites have a map, but the map widget they use often doesn’t have the directions easily seen in the screenshot.
Call service
Direct call reservation makes a small percentage of your hotel booking but it is still important. So having a customer representative to answer the call can be a good idea. Provide proper training consider training your new staff with call tracking, listen to every call and coach them on how to improve their customer service skills.
Hotel Deals
Everyone likes the special deals, if you are promoting through special offers, you should consider packages or at least explaining that you rate.
Promote direct booking
Customer appreciates small-small things such as free upgrade, arrival drink, an extra discount on direct booking or loyalty points for next direct booking. Give your customers a reason to book directly on your website.
Testimonials and Guest Reviews
Testimonials from 3rd party website such as TripAdvisor is amazing which helps you boost your booking but lower your margin per booking. The best way to promote the testimonials and guest reviews can be your own website. The testimonials on your website coming from actual customers about their experience can boost your direct bookings as it gives higher confidence to the people planning to book.
Responsive website design
Your customers are making the booking through a different type of devices such as mobile of different sizes, laptop, desktop or tablet. Providing the same experience on every format is important. Make sure your website is responsive on all the formats of devices.
At AxisRooms, we help you built a website which is responsive and cover all aspects of having an amazing website. We help you constantly update the data and make changes as per the trends.