7 points that will make your hotel’s content great

7 points that will make your hotel’s content great

 Manveen Kaur
Manveen Kaur

Content is the ticket that leads user to the booking engine


  • Hotel details

Make sure you have filled all the details the hotel wants such as Location, Room description, Dining services, Entertainment etc.

Make sure complimentary and non-complimentary amenities are mentioned. Adding extra information about view from room and nearby attraction is added advantage. Add special offers during local events. Keep updated contact details.

Highlight unique selling features.

  • Location

If you do not map the hotel to the right location, you will lose maximum customers. Mostly customer tends to cancel bookings due to location.

  • Add professional photos

content-1Add High definition images as visual content captures the travelers on first sight. Poorly lit photos will not help to sell your property no matter how nice the property is or the price is quoted. Photos have greatest influence on travelers.

  • Restaurant Details

After a hectic day of traveling, guests look for sumptuous and appetite filling food. It’s very important for you to mention the food categories and timings served.

  •  Travel information and guides

Guest will be looking for information about their destination. The trick is to make your guide as extensive and original as possible. Guide should be knowledgeable about the local attractions, local events etc.

  • Relevant content


Write content first for user and then for the search engines. Use keywords wisely as well as internal links. Use an easily readable font, sub headings and bullet points.

  • Customer reviews and testimonials


It’s very important to get reviews from guests. Hotelier should ask the customer to give feedback and review about the hotel services. Customer reviews has a high impact as we are in a digital era. Before booking the hotel, customer reads the reviews to know the details about the property. Also, ask your happy customers to include their photos with review as it will give a natural effect. Ask customers to write a review to win a Goodie box, offering them some gifts will make guest feel exciting.