The Influence Marketing And The Hospitality Industry


The Influence Marketing is a marketing technique that consists of identifying opinion leaders that can help a brand to connect more naturally and spontaneously with your target audience.

The actors are often influential bloggers, the stars and travel enthusiasts who share their experiences on a blog and social networks. They are internet users who enjoy certain popularity and developed a real community.

As opinion leaders can be identified?

Hoteliers surf the web in search of potential influential users: forums, social networks and blogs.

What is the principle of the Influences of Marketing in the travel industry?

It is based on the generation of content created and published by the influential actor. Content can be customized travel stories with photos or videos of establishment visited destination, activities, etc. This is called visual narration. Thanks to influential actor of the community, the message is distributed to a specific audience that will be receptive to the publication and may share the information in turn. The message also is distributed to a qualified audience through the effect of viral marketing.

The publishing influential actors?

Influential actors talk about their travel experiences and publish their stories with multimedia content on their own blogs and other web sites, specifically in the social network, since it promotes the exchange.

To whom is the message?

The number of readers is systematically qualified. The founding principle of the Influences of Marketing is to point a customer base that will share through word-of-mouth. The objectives change according to hotel campaign goals.

In that context applies the influence of marketing?

Two properties which can launch a campaign of marketing influences, for example, as a result of reopening the hotel, a special event to promote the restaurant or also with a specific purpose (attract younger clients, reaching a concrete goal, etc.) or simply to promote the hotel in a broad sense.

What is the main goal?

The hotel takes advantage of the goals of opinion leaders to create the rumor on social networks, specifically via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and get a better reference in Google. The goal is to inspire travelers, make them dream, and increase its organic visibility on web pages (SEO).

As this will have an impact on Internet users?

Internet users seek authenticity, online inspiration and advice when choosing a hotel. An influential actor tells his personal experience in the first person, which in fact is more subjective than a news article.

Configuring Collaboration

Today, the relationship between opinion leaders and the hotel is not strong enough. Hoteliers sometimes can’t look the publication of bloggers. In the case of transparency, some bloggers explain to your readers what they were offered, but no general rules on the matter, except in the US and Canada.

What is the business model?

The hotel can use specialized agencies Influences on marketing or use online platforms like Snap Traveller.
The benefits of influencer in most cases are discounts or a free night to share their travel experiences. Share may include articles, share photos and videos, messages on twitter or just a way to check in communication. For the hotel, the added value is that your image will be linked to an influential and qualified person.
The Influence of Marketing has more human dimensions compared to the traditional digital marketing. It allows a very detailed guidance.