Why your hotel’s website needs https?

Why your hotel’s website needs https?

 Manveen Kaur
Manveen Kaur

You may think that hotel website or hotel’s booking engine is all about images and text content; if so then you are wrong. Hoteliers are always concerned about their guest security in the hotel but most of the hoteliers fails in securing the guest online data. If you want to know why your hotel website needs https then scroll down to read.

Google is on mission to promote secure websites just as they are promoting mobile friendly website.

Does my website need SSL?


It’s important to ensure every website has an SSL certificate and it’s loaded via https.

SSL certificate isn’t expensive, likewise it may cost you around INR 4000 for one year validity.

What https does?

https is used to allow the exchange of content on the internet.

HTTp vs HTTPS: HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP whereas, “S” at the end of https stands for secure. It means all communication between your browser and the website are encrypted.

How to make website secure https?


  1. In order to provide the best security, SSL certificates require your website to have it’s own dedicated IP address.
  2. Buy a certificate.
  3. Activate the certificate.
  4. Install the certificate.
  5. Update your site to use https.

 How to know if my website has an SSL certificate?



You should see a lock icon in the address bar.