Optimizing your Channel Manager

Optimizing your Channel Manager

 Manveen Kaur
Manveen Kaur

You are using Channel Manager to help your hotel save time, increase online revenue and make updates in real-time. But are you utilizing it to the fullest? Is your channel manager serving your hotel as per your expectations? There are few things hotels forget to do while connecting to a channel manager.

Optimizing your Channel Manager

Connecting OTA account manager:

After connecting with your preferable OTAs connect them with your account manager there. It can help you with the optimization on the channel, getting maximum return and pushing promotions through OTAs. Even OTAs are looking for more booking as much as you do.

Target wide mix of OTAs:

As a hotelier, you should look beyond few major OTAs and recognize optimal mix which can help you best target the market. You can also take the reference from the competitor, how they are targeting and which OTAs they are using to connect with customers.

Not working with local business:

Guests are not booking your hotel for the room but they are looking for the experience. So which means connecting with the local businesses which can provide the cultural experience of the region is a good idea. You can also identify partners for the leisure and adventurous activities. It helps to serve the customer whenever a demand is raised by without investing and no cost.

Utilize Channel manager:

After connecting with channel manager updates your requirements well in advance related to stop-sell, minimum stay etc. However, you should keep reviewing it at the regular intervals. By doing this you can ensure that you are getting full out of your channel manager for your hotel.

Plan for local events:

As a hotelier are you targeting the big events happening in your neighbourhood? What are you doing to attract those extra customers? You should especially plan for special events and be proactive during the season. You can incorporate special packages and giveaways. Revise your rate as per the demand on your channel manager during that duration. It is boom time and you need to ensure you get best rates for your rooms.


At AxisRooms, we provide Channel Manager which help you connect with the high number of OTAs. Through our channel manager, you have power at your fingertips to increase the return from your existing hotel by optimizing it.