What Is EBITDAR in the Hotel Industry?
Revenue Management

What Is EBITDAR in the Hotel Industry?

AxisRooms Marketing
AxisRooms Marketing

Do you want to determine your hotel or property’s valuation so that you can make better business decisions?

If so, EBITDAR is the ideal formula to go for!

In the hospitality industry, where numerous hotels and properties have a significant number of assets, EBITDAR is found to be a very effective metric.

It is a helpful technique for evaluating business performance, where you can eliminate the complexity of multiple tax rates if you run a chain hotel business with properties in other regions or countries.

Because it significantly reduces variability and unpredictability, using EBITDAR is advantageous when comparing properties within the same hotel business or rival businesses in the hospitality sector.

For instance, rent or booking rates for similar-sized hotels in different locales and parts of a country will vary greatly.

Additionally, this formula enables you to evaluate the efficiency of the properties based on their primary sources of income, presenting you with a clearer sense of which one is more lucrative.

Now, let’s learn about EBITDAR in more detail and how to calculate your hotel’s valuation with it!

EBITDAR Meaning in Hotel Market

The acronym EBITDAR stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, and rent or restructuring costs.

It is a useful formula for businesses with specific or fluctuating rent expenses, like hotels, casinos, resorts, or restaurants.

Let’s understand the keywords in EBITDAR a little better:


This includes any business operating costs brought on by interest rates, such as the cost of loans taken out from banks or other lenders.


This comprises all state and local taxes, and any federal income taxes levied in the area by the regulatory and government bodies.


It is an expense amount that shows the decrease in the net worth of fixed assets owned by the company. Basically, it represents a decline in asset value and is a non-cash expense.


Amortization is a non-cash expense, but it also includes the cost of intangible assets. It is the process of reducing the initial purchase amount of an asset gradually.

Rent or restructuring charges

The cost of rent is particularly high in the hospitality sector. Many hospitality and other businesses generally have to pay a considerable amount of rent to acquire the working space where they wish to conduct their business operations.

Rent is considered a sunk cost in the company’s financial records. It basically means that regardless of how efficiently the hospitality business runs, the cost has already been incurred or is likely to have occurred.

EBITDAR differs from EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization), and it must not be confused with the latter as both are used in different cases.

This reliable estimator aids analysts in comprehending a company’s potential to turn a profit even after incurring substantial rent amount or restructuring expenses as part of its business.

Why Is It Important to Calculate EBITDAR?

Calculating the hotel EBITDAR and assessing it is critical for hotel business owners for two primary reasons:

  • It provides an accurate overview of the company’s worth.
  • It displays the company’s growth prospects in figures and highlights its value to potential business investors or buyers.

EBITDAR evaluates and compares the profitability of different businesses in the same industry. It accomplishes this by taking the effects of government, financial, and other accounting factors out of the equation to give a clear estimate of earnings.

As a result, EBITDAR is frequently used by property owners, bidders, investors in private equity, and data analysts globally.

It is a notable formula that offers an overview of the business value and aids both companies and business owners in making critical business decisions. Additionally, it can be used in place of cash flow.

How to Calculate Your Hotel’s EBITDAR?

The simplest way to explain how to calculate your hotel’s EBITDAR is to start with net profit. This figure represents the company’s revenue for a specific time after all expenses, such as interest and taxes, have been deducted.

Nevertheless, depending on the costs you include in this calculation, the amount of earnings vary.

In many cases, it’s beneficial to add specific expenses into the net profit amount that might otherwise draw attention away from the organization’s core performance.

The most common examples in this scenario are tax and interest, which result in the EBIT metric. The following step is to account for depreciation and amortization.

For calculating the EBITDA metric, these are the amounts recorded on a company’s financial statements for the decrease in the worth of its long-term assets, such as machines and equipment or licenses.

Lastly, the EBITDAR formula takes things further and moves to the final step by factoring in the cost of a restructuring or rent.

EBITDAR = Net profit + [Interest + Tax + Depreciation + Amortization] + Restructure or Rent

For instance, if your hotel’s annual revenue is $2.5 million and its operational costs are $500,000, you must first deduct it from revenue. This calculates to $2 million in EBIT (operating income).

Now take into account that the operational expenses also include $15,000 in depreciation, $10,000 in amortization, and $65,000 in rent.

Here you must include the depreciation, amortization, and rent costs ($15,000 + $10,000 + $65,000) to calculate the EBITDAR. This entails adding the total amount back to your operating income.

EBITDAR = $2 million EBIT + ($15,000 + $10,000 + $65,000) = $2.09 million.

Benefits of Using EDITDAR for Your Hotel

Following are some reasons why you should calculate and incorporate the EBITDAR of your company in your financial statements:

  1. EBITDAR is widely used by business owners, investors, and buyers in the hotel industry worldwide. Therefore, stakeholders can adopt the EBITDAR formula to analyze and compare various business market values and make informed corporate decisions.
  2. This formula eliminates factors that are unique to each business and vary from one company to another. It comprises interest rates, tax rates, depreciation, and amortization. This method provides a precise image of the business’s operational efficiency.
  3. The calculations and analysis of EBITDAR are simple but yield highly useful data.
  4. It is a reliable estimator for business valuation that enables investors to focus on the hotel business’ baseline profitability.

How Can Technology Help You Optimize Your Hotel EBITDAR?

To optimize the EBITDAR value, hotel businesses must use a comprehensive revenue management strategy.

Comprehensive revenue management involves overseeing all of your hotel’s income streams in addition to room revenue, such as wellness and fitness center, food and beverage, spa, tours, and gatherings.

Therefore, use a revenue management tool to begin by maximizing your hotel’s revenue.

What is it, though?

A revenue management software streamlines the process of leveraging data. In the hospitality sector, it is used to determine the ideal hotel room rate in order to increase revenue and profitability.

Such a technology (also known as a yield management system) is crucial for all sizes and types of hotels, including guest houses, boutique hotels, bed and breakfast hotels, hotel chains, and more.

By leveraging a revenue management software, you can sell your services to your target market via a suitable distribution channel.

The software provides insights and recommendations for every type of room at the hotel using historical data and market signals and triggers.

You can set prices for your accommodations appropriately across various hotel room distribution channels thanks to the channel-specific information you receive.

AxisRoom Is Your Safest Bet!

Hotel revenue management software offers a lot of advantages and yields better outcomes. However, many hoteliers and businesses have been hesitant to implement it because of their utmost belief in revenue managers.

Indeed technological advancements cannot replace humans, but they can certainly help reduce human errors. And now that hotels are using these technologies, they are no longer uncommon and are providing incredible benefits.

If you wish the same for your business, you can undoubtedly achieve it with AxisRooms!

With the aid of AxisRooms, you can leverage the benefits of a revenue management system and manage all the important facets of your company’s business operations.

You can use our revenue experts’ assistance to find fresh business opportunities and implement best practices into action. They can also assist you in increasing your online footprint across all distribution channels.

With our revenue management service, you can monitor trends, demand, and supply and analyze analytical reports while setting dynamic pricing models based on season, occupancy, and duration of stay.

So don’t wait up anymore!

Get your hands on AxisRooms’ revenue management service today to streamline your hotel business operations and optimize your EBITDAR.